Evangelicals Made a Bad Trade

The Atlantic (via Apple News):

What is psychologically intriguing is how bracing and electrifying a figure Trump is to many evangelicals. It is as if his disinhibitions have become theirs. Parents who disapproved of their children saying “damn” are now enthralled by a man who says “motherfucker.” Those who championed modesty and purity culture celebrate a thrice-married serial adulterer who made hush-money payments to a porn star. Churchgoers who can recite parts of the Sermon on the Mount are inspired by a man who, on the day he announced his candidacy for reelection, promised vengeance against his perceived enemies. Christians who for decades warned about moral relativism are now moral relativists; those who said a decent society has to stand for truth have embraced countless lies and conspiracy theories. People who rage at “woke cancel culture” delight in threats to shut down those with whom they disagree. Men and women who once stood for law and order have given their allegiance to a felon who issues pardons to rioters who have assaulted police officers.

Day One update issue

Every once in a while I’ll have a Day One update from the Mac App Store that absolutely refuses to install. I’ve had to search for the solution frequently enough that I thought it was finally time to write it down.

The fix from Daniel Hedrick requires that you kill the DOWidgetExtension process in the macOS Activity Monitor app. After that, the Day One update should install like normal. Pretty easy, but super annoying.

Updating an Apple Watch Series 3 is a nightmare in 2021

The Verge highlights the same problems I’ve had when updating my Apple Watch Series 3, a product they currently produce and sell. Despite not adding any apps or content to my watch, I don’t have enough space to install updates, thus requiring me to completely wipe the watch every time I need to update it.

One thing left out of the article was that the update process (downloading, preparing, verifying, installing) starts over from the beginning if anything goes wrong. This is what made the most recent update such a pain for me. After wiping my watch to clear space, the watch spent over an hour-and-a-half preparing the update. Once it got to the part where it started to verify the update, I got a message saying that my watch was not connected to wifi and the installation stopped. When I tried to install it again, it started back at the downloading step, but of course, I now didn’t have enough free space on my watch, which required yet another wipe of the watch.

iTunes MiniPlayer in Full Screen Mode

When using iTunes, I often like to have the app running in full screen mode so that it doesn’t clutter my desktop. When I do this, I also like to have the MiniPlayer open so that I can easily change songs without switching back to the main iTunes window.

Just switching to the MiniPlayer will hide the main window, but I would like to have open at the same time. I found some instructions on how to do this, but I am noting the steps below as I’ve had trouble accessing that page in the past.

  1. Exit out of full screen mode.
  2. Set iTunes to show on all desktops by right clicking (or control + click) on the iTunes icon in the dock and selecting “All Desktops” under the Options menu.
  3. Open the MiniPlayer from the Window menu at the top of the screen.
  4. Enter full screen mode by clicking the full screen button at the top right of the main iTunes window (also found under the View menu).