Notes from my week.
Continue reading Weeknotes 07.19–07.25Month: July 2021
Weeknotes 07.12–07.18
Notes from my week.
Continue reading Weeknotes 07.12– v2021
In somewhat old news, I released a new version of in May. The design isn’t vastly different from what I had before, but the code received some major changes, including a move from Jekyll to Eleventy.

Weeknotes 07.01–07.11
Notes from my week.
Continue reading Weeknotes 07.01–07.11June Monthly Review
A look back at the past month.
Continue reading June Monthly ReviewWeekly Links 2021.06.26–2021.07.02
My links for the week.
Continue reading Weekly Links 2021.06.26–2021.07.02