Weeknotes 07.25–07.31

Notes from my week.

  • Continued completing tasks for buying our new house and selling our current house. We had a couple of inspections on our house and got the appraisal on our future house.
  • We put down one of our cats. [crying emoji] (Apparently, WordPress will no longer allow me to post emoji?)
  • I started physical therapy for my back again this week, just in time for my back pain to flare up again during the weekend.
  • We went to Kansas City for the weekend to celebrate my birthday, drop our cat off at my in-laws, and help my brother move. My back pain kind of limited what I could do, but I had a good time doing the J. Rieger tour on my birthday.
  • Our new place will have a greenhouse, so my wife got me lemon and lime trees for my birthday.



