In somewhat old news, I released a new version of in May. The design isn’t vastly different from what I had before, but the code received some major changes, including a move from Jekyll to Eleventy.

In somewhat old news, I released a new version of in May. The design isn’t vastly different from what I had before, but the code received some major changes, including a move from Jekyll to Eleventy.
Notes from my week. Continue reading Weeknotes 2021.02.22–2021.02.28
I’ve been working on our build tools at work. Our tools were somewhat outdated, and we were wanting to move away from Grunt. I ultimately decided to go with npm scripts (although the speed of Gulp was tempting). Now that I’m wrapping up, I wanted to write down some notes for things that took a bit of research to figure out. Continue reading Build Tools Notes
Notes from my week.
Continue reading Weeknotes 2020.10.12–2020.10.18
A few weeks ago I spent some time breaking apart Sass files into smaller segments for a project at work, trying to go for a more modular approach for the CSS. Doing this in Sass is pretty simple. Pull out a section of styles into a new “partials” file, named something like _module.scss
. Then in the main Sass file, import the module with @import "module";
For quite a while I’ve wanted to be able to take a similar approach with JavaScript, breaking the main file into modules and using Sass-like imports to pull them all together. I knew this was supposed to be possible with ES6 modules, but every time I started doing the research, I was overwhelmed by new JavaScript techniques and tools (Babel? Webpack? Browserify? Rollup? RequireJS?). After my most recent attempt to find and understand a solution, I finally came up with something that works and I’m fairly happy with.