My links for the week.
Continue reading Weekly Links 2021.05.08–2021.05.14Category: Links
Updating an Apple Watch Series 3 is a nightmare in 2021
The Verge highlights the same problems I’ve had when updating my Apple Watch Series 3, a product they currently produce and sell. Despite not adding any apps or content to my watch, I don’t have enough space to install updates, thus requiring me to completely wipe the watch every time I need to update it.
One thing left out of the article was that the update process (downloading, preparing, verifying, installing) starts over from the beginning if anything goes wrong. This is what made the most recent update such a pain for me. After wiping my watch to clear space, the watch spent over an hour-and-a-half preparing the update. Once it got to the part where it started to verify the update, I got a message saying that my watch was not connected to wifi and the installation stopped. When I tried to install it again, it started back at the downloading step, but of course, I now didn’t have enough free space on my watch, which required yet another wipe of the watch.
Weekly Links 2021.05.01–2021.05.07
My links for the week.
Continue reading Weekly Links 2021.05.01–2021.05.07Weekly Links 2021.04.24–2021.04.30
My links for the week.
Continue reading Weekly Links 2021.04.24–2021.04.30Weekly Links 2021.04.17–2021.04.23
My links for the week.
Continue reading Weekly Links 2021.04.17–2021.04.23Weekly Links 2021.04.10–2021.04.16
My links for the week.
Continue reading Weekly Links 2021.04.10–2021.04.16Weekly Links 2021.04.03–2021.04.09
My links for the week.
Continue reading Weekly Links 2021.04.03–2021.04.09March Links
Links for the month of March.
Continue reading March LinksThe design session
Great post about how tap tap tap uses Skitch for project collaboration.