Notes from my week.
Continue reading Weeknotes 10.18–10.24Tag: MacBook
Weeknotes 09.13–09.19
Notes from my week.
Continue reading Weeknotes 09.13–09.19Weeknotes 08.23–08.29
Notes from my week.
Continue reading Weeknotes 08.23–08.29Weeknotes 2021.01.11–2021.01.17
Notes from my week. Continue reading Weeknotes 2021.01.11–2021.01.17
Weeknotes 2020.11.16–2020.11.22
Notes from my week. Continue reading Weeknotes 2020.11.16–2020.11.22
macOS Local Development Setup
A couple weeks ago I decided to replace MAMP on my MacBook with free tools for local PHP development. I didn’t find a guide online that was perfect for what I wanted, so here are the steps I used, pieced together from several other guides.
My Software
I recently decided to do a fresh install of OS X on my MacBook now that Yosemite is out, so I thought it would be a good time to post all the software I currently use. It turns out that I use a lot of apps. This list will probably be outdated within a month.