Notes from my week.
Continue reading Weeknotes 10.18–10.24Tag: art
Weeknotes 08.02–08.15
Notes from my week.
Continue reading Weeknotes 08.02–08.15March Links
Links for the month of March.
Continue reading March LinksWeeknotes 2020.10.05–2020.10.11
Notes from my week. Continue reading Weeknotes 2020.10.05–2020.10.11
An Event Apart: “Variable Fonts and the Future of Typography”
Jason Pamental speaking at An Event Apart Seattle 2018 on April 4, 2018.
For centuries, typography has shaped the way we ‘hear’ what we read. In our web work, though, we’ve have to balance our typographic desires with user experience and performance, knowing that every weight, width, or style of a typeface required a different file download. Variable fonts change that, as they include every width, weight, slant, and other permutation of a typeface, all in a single file not much bigger than a regular font file. Now, beautiful web typography can be crafted to respond to screen size, language setting, even ambient light. In a detail-packed hour, Jason will show you not just how far the new capabilities can take us, but how to make use of them right away.
Continue reading An Event Apart: “Variable Fonts and the Future of Typography”
An Event Apart: “Practical Branding”
Sarah Parmenter speaking at An Event Apart Orlando 2016 at Disney’s Contemporary Resort in Walt Disney World on October 3, 2016.