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- The Invention That Accidentally Made McMansions (
- Markwhen — “A markdown-like journal language for plainly writing logs, gantt charts, blogs, feeds, notes, journals, diaries, todos, timelines, calendars or anything that happens over time.”
- Authors Together — A semi-official directory to help find A Book Apart books in their new homes.
- Our Christmas Films List (Remy Sharp) — “Each year, since 2006, Julie and I have planned a Christmas movie day, where we watch a day of Christmas spirited films whilst eating various Christmas type food.”
- Looking for a new opportunity (Jeff Bridgforth)
- Of Books and Conferences Past (Jeffrey Zeldman)
- Festivitas — Holiday Lights for Your Mac Menu Bar and Dock (Daring Fireball)
- Mozi (Daring Fireball) — “Mozi is a private social network for seeing your people more, IRL. Add your plans, check who’s in town, and know when you overlap.”
- ‘Making “Social” Social Again’ — Ev Williams Explains Mozi (Daring Fireball)